
It’s here finally! The first single from my upcoming EP M-Theory: Red Dwarf. It’s called What A Guy, and if you are a fan of the British scifi comedy, you’ll know what it’s about. For the uninitiated, well, I would just recommend watching Dimension Jump (Season 4 Episode 5), then watch Stoke Me A Clipper (Season 7, Episode 2). It’s about one of the main character’s alter ego from another dimension, Ace Rimmer. I’d definitely recommend watching all the seasons, but if you can’t, watch these two and then you’ll be in the know.

And some interesting backstory: in my “other life” I am a software engineer, and the company I work for built a CI/CD framework, and named the front end UI “Ace”… yes, you guessed it: after Ace Rimmer, the subject of this track.

You can get it from The M31 Store, and you can listen at all the places:

“Stoke me a clipper, I’ll be back for Christmas…whatever.” — Ace Rimmer
